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๐Ÿฆธ Monitor a Continuous Migration Job

When a continuous migration job has completed its initial synchronization stage, it enters the Change-Data-Capture (CDC) stage. In this stage, the source database is monitored for changes, and these changes are applied to the target MongoDB database.

Screenshot of the Data Migration monitoring page

To verify changes are being captured correctly, you can make changes to the Postgres library database and check MongoDB for corresponding changes.

  • Using pgAdmin or psql, apply the following updates to the library database in Postgres
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA library to replication_group;

INSERT INTO library.authors VALUES (9999, 'Julian May', 'julianmay', 'Born in 1931, Julian May sold her first short story to John W. Campbell''s Astounding Science Fiction magazine in 1951. It was a science fiction short story called Dune Roller. But it wasn''t until the 1980s that the author returned to genre fiction, after writing a variety of non-fiction and children''s books, often under pseudonyms. May then wrote the phenomenally successful Saga of the Exiles, followed by the Galactic Milieu series. The Many-Coloured Land, book one of the Saga of the Exiles, won the Locus Best Novel Award. It was also shortlisted for top genre awards including the Hugo, the Nebula, the Prometheus Award and the Mythopoetic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature. Julian May passed away in October 2017.', NULL);

INSERT INTO library.books VALUES ('1447224051', 'Jack the Bodiless', 398, 1991, 'His powers may be the ultimate hope, if they allow him to live.', '', 2, 2, 'Jack the Bodiless', NULL, NULL, 132, 19, 1);
INSERT INTO library.books VALUES ('144722406X', 'Diamond Mask', 402, 1994, 'She concealed her great gifts, but some plans were made to be broken.', '', 2, 2, 'Diamond Mask', NULL, NULL, 132, 19, 1);
INSERT INTO library.books VALUES ('1447224078', 'Magnificat', 434, 1996, 'A glorious future is in sight, until the rebellion brings Armageddon.', '', 2, 2, 'Magnificat', NULL, NULL, 132, 19, 1);

INSERT INTO library.book_genre VALUES ('1447224051', 803);
INSERT INTO library.book_genre VALUES ('144722406X', 803);
INSERT INTO library.book_genre VALUES ('1447224078', 803);

INSERT INTO library.author_book VALUES (9999, '1447224051');
INSERT INTO library.author_book VALUES (9999, '144722406X');
INSERT INTO library.author_book VALUES (9999, '1447224078');

If you need to install pgAdmin, it can be downloaded from here


If you are taking part in an instructor led lab, you should prefix the book IDs 1447224051, 144722406X, and 1447224078 with a unique combination of characters (try your initials), and add a random value to the author ID 9999, to avoid duplicate key errors with your classmates.

If continuous migration is operating correctly, you should see an update to the Total events seen and Events in the last hour counts in Relational Migrator.

Screenshot of the Data Migration monitoring page

Now check for the new books in MongoDB:

  • In a web browser, navigate to the MongoDB Atlas portal and sign in with your account
  • Navigate to the cloud project containing the cluster you migrated data to
  • Select your cluster and click View collections
  • Select the books collection in the database you migrated data to
  • Enter a query in the Filter text box that uses a regular expression to look for any book where the _id value starts with the common prefix of the books we added: {_id: /^14472240/}
  • Click Apply
  • If the CDC process worked correctly, you should see three book documents being returned
Screenshot of the Atlas UI

If you are taking part in an instructor led lab, modify the query to include the unique combination of characters you added to the book IDs when adding them to Postgres.


Note the documents added to MongoDB with a continuous migration will include some of the fields we exluded when editing the mapping rules - specifically ID fields defined in primary key / foreign key constraints in Postgres. Relational Migrator relies on these fields to be able to accurately identify documents in MongoDB when applying updates. Look at the entries in the genres array in a book document as an example.

Now try deleting the records we just added from Postgres:

DELETE FROM library.author_book WHERE  author_id = 9999;
DELETE FROM library.book_genre WHERE book_id LIKE '14472240%';
DELETE FROM library.books WHERE id LIKE '14472240%';
DELETE FROM library.authors WHERE id = 9999;

If you are taking part in an instructor led lab, modify the author_id and book_id values to match those you used when inserting the data.

Check for updates to the Total events seen and Events in the last hour counts in Relational Migrator.

Verify the books have been deleted in MongoDB:

  • In the Atlas UI, run the same search against the books collection: {_id: /^14472240/}
  • If the CDC process worked correctly, the query should not find any matching books
Screenshot of the Atlas UI

Click the Complete CDC button on the the Relational Migrator Data Migration tab to end the CDC job.


If you close your Relational Migrator browser tab without clicking Complete CDC, the CDC migration will continue to run in the background. You can end the job by either ruturning to the Relational Migrator UI, opening the project and clicking Complete CDC on the data migration tab, or by exiting Relational Migrator.